An Early Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day came early at our house because Jaycee cannot keep a secret.  She loves to put together fun packages for holidays, but once they are together, she can't wait to give them out.  Consequently, I got to enjoy a fun Valentine's treat on Thursday.  I love Trident White's Cool Colada gum but it is impossible to find in the stores anymore.  Jaycee hopped online and got me a 12-pack to put into my Valentine's basket.  Hurray! Other prizes include: A heart-shaped pumice stone, heart themed pedicure set, a box of chocolates and Kisses, miniature pots of strawberry and Forget-me-not plants, two baby mylar balloons (These are so cool...they are flat with a capsule inside of them. When you break the capsule, they fill up!), and a much needed mini lint roller.  This was a very fun thoughtful gift. Thanks Jaycee, Andy, and Cameron!


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