The Chopra Center's 21-Day Meditation Challenge

My friend, Melissa Diana, posted a notice on Facebook about a 21-Day Meditation Challenge offered by the Chopra Center.  I've admired Deepak Chopra and the work he does for many years.  Still, I figured it was something that was going to cost a lot of money and take a lot of time.  I'm glad that I clicked the link because the meditations are free (but they cannot be downloaded unless one is much more computer saavy than me) but the previous 7 daily meditations are available online.  That is a good thing because the official challenge began on February 20th and I did not begin until the 23rd.  I am starting from the beginning and I will do the 21 days in order.

These are guided meditations that take about 15 minutes.  I usually get up around 0515 to 0530 every morning but I don't do a fire and sit drinking coffee.  I decided that that time would be a good time to meditate.  I light the fire, turn out all the lights and sink into some 'me time.'

Thank you, Melissa Diana, for sharing this opportunity.

If you would like to participate, check out the link at
One of my Happy Places


  1. I need this place, because I am relaxed, I need this place. A beautiful place.....


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